heart for the city

“Also work for the success of the city I have sent you to. Pray to the Lord for that city.  If it succeeds, you too will succeed.” Jeremiah 29:7

Sunday Mornings @ 10:30 am

3930 Fleet St | Baltimore, MD 21224

let's get real.

Real People... Real Hope... Real Life.

The word Real can be a bit overused in the modern culture, but it seldom means real. It usually means, tough or raw or even angry. That's not what we mean. We actually mean, well... Real.  

It seems like (in a the postmodern context) being real is equated with being cool or different. Honestly, we're not trying to be different, we're not trying to be cool, we're not trying to do anything more than bring the truth of Jesus to a city that is very broken, and counterfeit can't do that!

As you read the New Testament, you see that Jesus' life was about investing in broken people. He LOVES broken people. He goes after people in the midst of their struggle and pours His life into them, and that's what we are about at Hope City.  

Our Vision

Our vision is to bring wholesale transformation to the city of Baltimore. While we exist in a post modern culture, our approach is ancient. We are not trying to be trendy or cool. I guess, you might even say, our approach is counter-cultural. Some might think it naïve, but we believe that people are changed, hope is renewed, and transformation happens in a relationship with Jesus Christ. We are not suggesting this is easy. We are suggesting that it is simple and on a small scale, we are seeing this happen.

Our Community

Community is an essential part of our church, as it provides a place where deeper fellowship and better support can take place. The early church had an amazing way of living out community. This was a diverse group of people; they came from every cultural background and socioeconomic strata. What made them so unique is their unity. They found common ground in their life-transforming relationship with Jesus and the mission he began. We unite together similarly in order to be in deeper fellowship with God and one another. God has drawn us to Himself but also to each other. This "each other" is called His Church.


We are a Christ focused, authentic group of people living out the mission of Jesus in the city of Baltimore. We are unflinchingly committed to the Bible as our guide for life, and believe whole-heartedly that if the church in America could just get love right, we CAN and WILL totally transform the world around us.

financial partnership

Your giving helps to accelerate our efforts to transform the lives of Real people in the city of Baltimore.  We believe God's people are to be His hands and feet, serving both their communities and the world for His glory. We appreciate your financial partnership and support.


We are excited that you are interested in knowing more about Christ and this local body of believers.

Look around the site, check out our ministries, hear a message, sign-up for a small group, or jump in and serve with us. We are glad you are here.

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